Saturday, November 14, 2015

The one with "The Narcos"

Are you like tv-series? Watch "The Narcos".

          Netflix produced new series in 2015 "The Narcos" which tells a story of Pablo Escobar.
Series consists of 10 episodes and it is getting more and more audience. In my opinion, The Narcos may be also popular like The Sopranos, THe Wire or Breaking Bad.

          Netflix's production is about the empire of Pablo Escobar in Colombia in 80's.It shows perfectly Pablo Escobar's success from rags to riches. Colombian boss is a character very attractive, interesting and magnetic. He can be compared to mobsters from Scorsese's movies. The other main character is a Steve Murhphy. He is an american police officer. Series is shown from two points of view: Escobar and his antagonist Murphy.During watching the show sometimes it is hard to belive that it is still fiction.

          The Narcos has own unique atmosphere like others cult series "Twin Peaks" or "Breaking Bad" for example. I would like to strongly recommend you "The Narcos", series which conquered the world.


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